Radiophonic Workshop Rearrange some tour dates

radiophonic workshopThe Radiophonic Workshop have had to rearrange some of their live dates as their oldest member Dick Mills has been told to rest after a recent illness.The affected dates are for Leeds, Birmingham and Brighton:

Mon 13 Oct 2014 – Leeds City Varieties Music Hall
Wed 15 Oct 2014 – Birmingham Town Hall
Sat 18 Oct 2014 – Brighton St Georges Church

The other dates, such as festivals and tonight’s Belfast show are unaffected. So who are the workshop these days? Well, according to their official twitter page, they are Mark Ayres, Peter Howell, Paddy Kingsland, Roger Limb and Dick Mills. Which is a pretty damn good a line-up. I hear they have a drummer with them too for live shows. Not to be confused with the New Radiophonic Workshop which is under the creative direction of Matthew Herbert.

6th Birthday: The Roots of Was Ist Das?

Well, judging by the greetings on facebook, it is now August 19th in Japan, so that means the 6th birthday of Was Ist Das? has begun. It’s also the second anniversary of when Was Ist Das? 2.0 was born, as that’s when the domain name registration was freed and I could start again with a brand new website with a new host & registrar.

To celebrate, here’s a DJ mix exploring the music that inspired & informed my musical tastes. Included are many old favourites and songs used as nuggets in the podcast/video review intro theme: