
This page is the news page of

As you can tell, there’s not really any strict music policy, just whatever I find excites me.
I’ve made various sub categories so you can try and whittle it all down to whatever you think be relevant to you.

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Watched your website.
    For Willem de Ridder I did and still do a lot of musical projects.
    At the moment (and for the last few years) I go through his archive and make loads of (unknown) music cassettes digital.
    Willem phoned me today. He received records from you.
    And told me you have interest in doing something for an Willem de Ridder issue.

    Maybe, it’s a good idea to start thinking about things like the Snuff tapes. But there is so much more. Please get in contact via…..

  2. Moi music friends & lovers,

    Fatal Casualties are a experimental electronica band from Sweden & Finland, and we´re happy to announce the new track taken from the coming guest album (TBA), where different artists contribute one way or the other.

    The new track “I keep falling” is with guest vocals by Stephen Mallinder (Cabaret Voltaire, Wrangler):

    Welcome to DJ & share our tunes, and welcome to write some news about it!

    Also checkout Fatal Casualties cover of The Cure’s “One hundred years” + Guest vocals by Alex Spalck (Pankow): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-DaA-F9P_k

    Lets kick-ass in 2023
    /Ivan Hirvonen (www.fatalcasualties.com), Sweden

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