Brand new Tom Carter fundraiser offers 99 tracks for €7.50

tom carter
Yep, it’s a Bandcamp thang, but it is a real who’s who of alternative music with Vibracathedral Orchestra, Richard Youngs, Chris Corsano with Paul Flaherty, MV & EE with the Golden Road, Silvester Anfang II, Sunburned Hand of the Man, Heather Leigh, Bardo Pond, Tom Greenwood (of Jackie-O Motherfucker), Gate, Bird People, Tom Carter himself and, literally, loads more.

Let’s face it, most of todays finest musicians probably don’t even make as much as the UK’s national minimum wage and to suddenly be unable to play live, to have to pay for a new transatlantic flight home and all the healthcare costs must be a real nightmare

Jack Rose tribute album NOW ready

Three Lobed Recordings have put out a six and a half hour long download-only tribute album to Jack Rose.

It costs $15 and all the proceeds go to Jack’s estate. “Honest Strings: A Tribute To The Life And Work Of Jack Rose,” will be up soon exclusively from the download portion of the Thrill Jockey site, FINA

You can download the 41-track recording from the following link :

The album features exclusive material from:

Alvarius B.
Elisa Ambrogio
Bardo Pond
Nathan Bowles
Stuart Leslie Braithwaite
Hans Chew
Coach Fingers
Byron Coley with Son of Earth
Luther Dickinson
Chris Forsyth
Danny Paul Grody
Steve Gunn
Heather Leigh
Hush Arbors
C Joynes
Joseph Mattson (reading from “Empty The Sun”)
Jenks Miller
Bill Nace
No Neck Blues Band
Cian Nugent
Charlie Parr & Mike Gangloff
Six Organs of Admittance
Spectre Folk
D. Charles Speer
Spiral Joy Band
Sunburned Hand Of The Man
lloyd Thayer
Rick Tomlinson
James Toth, Kerry Kennedy and Jason Meagher
Cath & Phil Tyler
Scott Verrastro / Nathan Bowles
Zaika with Loren Connors
Zaika with Paul Flaherty