
We’ve covered M Geddes Gengras’ trippy double CD album, Ulver’s mighty new EP, authentic Afghan folk meet desert psych and our beer page has finally updated with a whole bunch of new entries including accounts of the finest bars in the South West of the USA and a delve into the original bourbon barrel aged stout. All the music reviews include embedded Bandcamp links and all the beer was lovely.

minus +

Some of you social networkers may have become friends, aquaintances, followers or even family of Was ist Das? over on Google+

Well, not any more. We read how Google+ operates a real name policy. Going by the name Was Ist Das? over there would be in breach of that policy and would risk suspension of the account and our associated e-mail address.

As that e-mail address is one we use all the time, it seems best to pull the plug on our Google+ account rather than risk losing an important e-mail address. Google+ say they’ll start allowing companies on at some point in the future and when that happens we’ll hop back in.

Was Ist Das? wants you to video yourself

After pondering the idea over on our facebook page and being encouraged by the response, Was Ist Das? is going to make a video podcast.

No release date set yet because we are wanting you to lend us a hand. We’re after videos for it. Can be an old fashioned music promo, live footage or anything really. Be imaginative. Be as hi-fi or lo-fi as you like.

You really don’t need to be rich to do this. I make the video reviews on my site using my mobile phone (which was free) and I edit it using this software which cost me nothing (you download the full version for a free trial, if you don’t pay for it at the end of the trial, you get the perfectly good basic, free version).

send your video links to:

6th Birthday: The Roots of Was Ist Das?

Well, judging by the greetings on facebook, it is now August 19th in Japan, so that means the 6th birthday of Was Ist Das? has begun. It’s also the second anniversary of when Was Ist Das? 2.0 was born, as that’s when the domain name registration was freed and I could start again with a brand new website with a new host & registrar.

To celebrate, here’s a DJ mix exploring the music that inspired & informed my musical tastes. Included are many old favourites and songs used as nuggets in the podcast/video review intro theme: