
OK, we hear you. We will do another run and we’ll start with black vinyl.

Another 200 copies will be shipping again from Arizona, Scotland & Germany this Summer. Pre-orders are now live. CD reissue to follow later. Go get ’em! I can’t keep repressing this forever…



In case you were wondering why, here is why

Here’s an index page for all the other details. Just click on the song to find out more about who did it and why I choose them and what they did with it.

Burd Ellen – The Highland Widow’s Lament

Alvarius B – Corn Rigs

Andrew Liles – The Landlord’s Daughter

Good Shepherd with Maydo Kay – Gently Johnny

Magpahi – May Pole

The Owl Service & Harriet Bradshaw – The Tinker of Rye

Meg Baird – Willow’s Song

Sophie Cooper – Fire Leap

United Bible Studies – Procession/Chop Chop

Hawthonn – Lullaby

Teleplasmiste – Festival/Mirie It Is

Sharron Kraus – Sing Cuckoo (Summer Is A-Coming In)

David Colohan – Loving Couples/The Ruined Church

Burial Hex – The Masks/Hobby Horse

The Banshees of Bunworth – Searching For Rowan

Michael Begg – Appointment With The Wicker Man

Dean McPhee – Sunset

Available on digital, CD and gatefold double vinyl from our Bandcamp page.

It will also be stocked at the following quality record shops

Monorail Music, Glasgow, Scotland

It will NOT be available from Amazon or any streaming site.

Artwork, design and photography by Richard Wells. Here is his online Big Cartel shop and his Instagram

Mastered by Andrew Liles

Michael Begg – Appointment With The Wicker Man

This one on the soundtracks is just a fanfare, some dialogue and some sound of burning from the film. Well, I say “just” but it is some classic dialogue

Written out like that it sounds kind of skippable but however, I had a better idea. You see I’m an enormous fan of the Scottish composer/producer Michael Begg ever since I heard the fourth album of his project Human Greed back in 2011.

He’s also a prime member of Fovea Hex alongside Clodagh Simonds (Mellow Candle). He’s also collaborated with Brian Eno, Colin Potter, Chris Connelly and Hans-Joachim Roedelius. And he’s definitely a dab hand with the field recordings too, as this incredible album based round the sounds of a Glasgow crane demonstrated

So it seemed like the perfect opportunity to get him to record something for Was Ist Das? He was the first person to finish their track for the project, and this conversation led to classic Human Greed albums getting reissues on Was Ist Das? on double cassette deluxe editions

It just goes to show how long “Ballads of Seduction, Fertility & Ritual Slaughter” has taken to come together, because we’ve now done two double casette reissues before the project was finished. Heck, the catalogue number for Ballads is WAS58, our reissue of “Fortress Longing” is WAS68.

Anyway, taking advantage of his home studio and immediate proximity to the Scottish coast, Michael Begg has created something intimate and intense using his studio skills and authentic field recordings. Now it is time for YOUR appointment with the Wicker Man