Faust In the USA

faustGreat news for our State-side friends, Jean-Herve Peron & Zappi are doing an American tour this Spring. Expect plenty of exciting collaborations along the way (including a set with Tony Conrad at the Big Ears festival in Knoxville).

You can catch them at:




12th   Chicago/IL @ Thalia Hall , Levitation Festival

14th   Detroit/MI  @ Marble bar

16th   Austin/TX  @ German Haus , SxSW  Festival

17th  Austin/TX @ Hotel Vegas , SxSW  Festival

19th  San Francisco/CA  @ The Chapel – tickets

23rd  Los Angeles/CA @ Union Club

25th  Athens /GA @ 40 Watts

26th Lexington/KY @ Manchester Music Hall

28th Jersey City/NJ @ Monty Hall

29th Brooklyn/NY @ Market Hotel ( second show)

30th Brooklyn/NY @ Market Hotel ( sold out)



1st  Knoxville/TN @  Big Ears Festival , Tony Conrad & faUSt = Outside The Dream Syndicate

2nd Knoxville/TN @  Big Ears Festival , faUSt

3rd Louisville / KY @ Dreanland

5th Iowa City / IA @ Mission Creek Festival

One thought on “Faust In the USA

  1. Faust I’m a recent fan, picked up your video’s wile looking up some Can stuff . Great left me wanting to know more. As I’m typing I see a report to my right that Edgar Frose of Tangerine Dream passed away January 32 2015 also Dieter Moebius On july 20,2015. Well best reguards and I hope to hear from you.

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