So, I wanted to make a DJ set where I mixed ambient drone music with vocals from some of my fave music that wouldn’t normally get associated with ambient drone. Then I began to think about what if I dubbed something ambient and spectral onto some old cassettes containing dubs of old country LPs that belonged to someone who had left this world? Would we get that phenomenon tapers dreaded the most, ghosts of the old recording coming through?
So what was initially planned as a DJ set evolved more into an entirely sample based album, the mix of drones songs instead replaced with time stretched samples plus some pertinent blends and the aforementioned acapellas. Then dubbed to ten aged tapes.
The sleeves have been customized in different ways: some have collages, some have been painted over, some have unique fake tracklists. Each has its own unique insert.So every copy looks and sounds different.
However, it seemed the tapes, despite their age, were of very high quality and no sound leaked through. So then different masters were made for each tape. Some tapes were allowed to keep their original content for a few seconds. Each one has different levels. Different lengths.
As it seemed like we were playing with sound and time, a further, final idea arrived. I would delete all the masters. No downloads, no repress, no listening again. My only experience of it will be my memories.