David Colohan – Hill Of The Moon

IMG_20160216_172443A very special double cassette release by David Colohan.

David is one of the co-founders of acclaimed Irish collective United Bible Studies and also helms his own Raising Holy Sparks. He also used to record as Agitated Radio Pilot.  He’s always in The Wire these days and just before Christmas he was on a split release with his UBS bandmate Richard Moult

Imagine If Popol Vuh lived in rural Ireland and were in thrall to the local landscape and folklore then this is how it would sound. A hypnotic, devotional work imbued with strange, inexplicable, almost Neolithic atmospheres. It’s bloody wonderful of course and is only a limited edition of 100. Oh, and it comes with a download coupon.


quite simply a modern masterpiece. Atmospheric, evocative and drenched in an earthy beauty” – Grey Malkin, The Active Listener
Something centuries old = mysterious and magical music…” – Fluid Radio

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