Author Archives: YorkshireNed

Nonconnah – Unicorn Family

Hard to describe this album without getting carried away. Nonconnah is husband and wife duo Zach & Denny Corsa who previously recorded as Lost Trail but changed name about the same time they relocated from North Carolina to Tennessee. Long before I moved to America, I’ve been obsessed with the big open spaces there and art that explores it like Twin Peaks, H.P.Lovecraft, WIlliam Least Heat-Moon and classic drone albums like “Stone Circle” by Wood-Land.

Here is something that encapsulates all those visions. A wide open space where huge walls of guitars brush up against drones that sound like signals from the deep woods. There’s fragments of songs, esoteric speeches and an underlying sense of mystery, as well as kindness.

Take the epic post-rock of Godspeed! You Black Emperor then immerse it in rainbows and forests until it starts to spin on the spot like a dervish, joyously. No matter how many times I play it, it never ceases to delight.

“Unicorn Family” is an epic beast, recorded over four years at three different studios as well as in various natural and abandoned locations. Helping out along the way we have the likes of  like Dylan Desmond (Bell Witch), Jad Fair (Half Japanese), Archie Moore (Velocity Girl, Lilys, Black Tambourine), Chris Thompson (Eric’s Trip, Moonsocket), Brian Deck & Ben Massarella (Red Red Meat, Califone, Modest Mouse), Alex Greene (Reigning Sound), Cody Drasser (Afterbirth), Tim Prudhomme (Fuck), Angel Marcloid (Fire-Toolz) and Stuart McLamb (The Love Language).

I know I’m the label guy but would you judge me if I told you it was a masterpiece? Because I am telling you.

100 copies on cassette with printed insert.

Human Greed – Black Hill: Midnight At The Blighted Star (Moonsuite Edition)

Was Ist Das? has never done a reissue before but we found the perfect place to start. Very proud to be reissuing Human Greed’s classic 2008 album in a new special edition with the previously unreleased companion album ‘Moonsuite’ on the second tape. The plan is to follow this with similar treatment for “Fortress Longing” and “World’s Fair” and then at the end to offer a nice box to put them all in.

With guest appearances from from David TIbet (Current 93), Julia Kent (Anthony and the Johnsons), Clodagh Simonds (Mellow Candle, Fovea Hex) and Fabrizio Palumbo (Larsen).

The music of Human Greed creates a haunted world which owes as much to classical music as it does to the otherworld landscapes of gateway openers like ‘Soliloquy for Lilith’, ‘Astral Disaster’ or even ‘In den Gärten Pharaos’

Reissuing this feels so right as the reason I run this website and this label is because of the strong buzz I get from introducing people to music they love. Its the satisfaction of the match-maker, and I’ve long been evangelical about Human Greed so this was a chance to put my money where my mouth has been so long. Hopefully most of the buyers are new to Human Greed and not just existing fans double-dipping for the “Moonsuite” album.

“Black Hill occupies a realm that is somewhere between the gorgeous drones of Stars of the Lid and the haunting and solemn “Symphony No. 3” by Henryk Górecki… This is powerful stuff and takes a while to fully digest it. The oily darkness that the music conjures up gets deeper and deeper with every listen, a resonant and otherworldly tremor that is at once human and sublime.” Brainwashed

Myriad Valley – Otherworld

We are honored to bring you the debut release from Myriad Valley.

How to sum this one up? It’s the sort of psychedelic, devotional, folk horror, acoustic drone music that brings to mind The Third Ear Band, Popol Vuh, Natural Snow Buildings, Flying Saucer Attack and the soundtrack to Blood On Satan’s Claw. Usually all at once.

It has that huge, monolithic sound yet at the same time seems devoid of any digital trickery, seemingly assembled from ritualistic folk instruments. It’s a world of mountaintop dawns in remote regions, dark woodland cacophonies and hymns to the sun.

I was so spellbound by the album, I quite deliberately avoided asking the artist for any technical details or credits, and was delighted to see a similar lack of detail on the artwork they provided.

Only 35 tapes made, though its also available in digital

We’re so freaked out about this music that we’ve also commissioned a second album from Myriad Valley.


Was Ist Das? Soundsystem – personal mixes

For the 17th birthday of Was Ist Das? this special release offered five people their own personalized mix tape. Buyers had a selection of themes they could choose from, though personal requests were obliged too. Each tape was a unique mix and dedicated on the front cover to the buyer [buyers names censored above for privacy reasons]

The tapes sold out almost immediately. There may be a return next birthday but due to the amount of time it took before, they’ll be even fewer available!

Dunza – Star Client

Dunza is actually the man himself James Jackson Toth [aka Wooden Wand also a prime part of One Eleven Heavy].

The songs you hear on “Star Client” started out as regular songs of his but he made these special versions and came to love them so much, he deleted the originals. Having rinsed this album non-stop for two months, I think he was totally justified. I don’t have any idea how many times I’ve played it now and I’m not stopping.

So, Dunza is unlike anything he’s ever done….a strong strain of dub……some ground up Berlin-school kosmische…..the unmistakable aroma of JJT himself. Yes, he’s there singing and playing the dub of it all stretches it all out into deepest space.

Cover art by Sarah Coppen:

Star Client is the perfect summer album and the ultimate wake and bake album.

Limited edition of 100 yellow cassettes.
Second edition of 50 clear yellow cassettes.


Review from The Quietus

In 2019, James Toth retired his Wooden Wand alias, preferring to concentrate on playing in One Eleven Heavy. That band was soon put on ice too, if temporarily. Its members are based in different countries, so there wasn’t much prospect of sneaking in the odd rehearsal between the loosening and tightening of infection-quelling restrictions. During that time, one of Toth’s tactics to avoid “going berserk” was to create this new project, Dunza. After completing four songs with which he was fairly satisfied, he then set about remixing each piece. Toth found he preferred the adapted versions to such an extent that he impulsively deleted the originals. Had he gone berserk after all? Listening to the cuts that remain in existence, he seems to have made a fruitful choice. Pretty far removed from Toth’s more singer-songwriter fare, Star Client is a slow-paced and hazy portion of homebrewed dub-psych. It sounds as though the opener, ‘Disowned’, retains the largest amount of its initial form, vocals-wise at least. Even so, Toth has fucked its formula without preciousness. It’s an approach similar to the last few records by those crazy kids from Low, here used to warmer and less solemn effect. The middle cuts had my hips swaying and eyelids drooping in a similar manner to my first exposure to On Patrol by Sun Araw. Although it concludes this particular collection, the shorter ‘Another Life’ almost feels like a suspenseful intro, feasibly indicating that the work of Toth’s latest alter-ego is not yet done(za).

Friends of Junzo – We Love You Junzo

Everybody who meets Suzuki Junzo loves the guy. Everybody who has seen him live drops their jaw on the floor. So when this February he suffered a intracerebral hemorrhage and a subarachnoid hemorrhage everyone was very worried. Junzo is now in a rehabilitation hospital and unable to tour or record music. Proceeds from this compilation will all go towards helping him financially but we want this to do more than that. This album is also one giant get well card, a huge sign of love from the world to Junzo. We love you Junzo and we know you got this but we’re all there cheering for you every step of the way.

Download only compilation sold on a seperate Bandcamp so that funds can go directly in Japanese currency to Junzo’s nearest & dearest.

1.20 Guilders – Wind Is (alternate take)
2.Sir Plastic Crimewave – Space Blues Devotion
3.Old Million Eye – Real Nightime
4.Jumble Hole Clough – For Junzo
5.Takeyari Shunta – My Lost City
6.Mienakunaru – Invisible Hammerblow
7.Carlton Melton – Chop Shop
8.Sky Burrow Tales – Jam For Junzo
9.Dead Sea Apes – Parasite Rex
10.Howie Reeve – Columbo Repeats
11.Mik Quantius – Power
12.Mike Vest – Zoid
13.Identiy Broker – One Night In Byker
14.Suzuki Junzo & Snakes Don’t Belong in Alaska – The Order of the Ash Ra Solar Tempel
15.Black Holes Are Cannibals – Night Loner
16.Bart de Paepe – Rare Dromen
17.Lucy Adlington – The Double
18.TOMO – Vielle Electronica
19.Eric Arn – Side Nine
20.Kawabata Makoto – Beyond The Nanoverse
21.Frontière Dorée – Culpability Tango
22.Mienakunaru – (I)
23.Ashtray Navigations – The Apothesis of Vavavoom (live at Cafe Oto 20th March 2022)
24.Jyonson Tsu Band – German Zoo
25.Nick Jonah Davis – One For Junzo
26.Empty House – Every Little Step
27.Haramindarangure – Hofu Weed

released June 14, 2022

Artwork by Jake Blanchard
Organized by Ned Netherwood

Ned Netherwood – Murgatroyd Hall

Murgatroyd Hall is a short story written and read by Ned Netherwood. Recorded in the great outdoors of Arizona and then mixed with a field recording from the house in Northern England that inspired the story.


Author’s note:
This was originally planned as a 1 track digital release, 2 track CDR version and then an expanded 2 track subscriber-only digital version. However, a strange anxiety stopped me making the CDR version and it was never sold. It fits into the framework of an unfinished short story collection themed on ‘Weird Pennines’ that I started

The subscriber version features a longer version of “Murgatroyd Hall”. The audiobook part is the same but the background sound carries on another 7 or so minutes. Then there’s a remix of the same length by The Lamp.

cover of the subscriber version. No frame

David Colohan – Small Movies, Ellie, Small Moves + Night, North Paterson

We decided to revive an old bargain tradition: taking two albums and putting one on each side of a cassette. We only just managed to get away with it (95 minutes is the maximum length most duplication companies will work to, beyond that could compromise the product). Both albums are vast soundtracks to imaginary vistas with healthy doses of Popol Vuh, Vangelis and Harmonia.

When you buy the tape from our Bandcamp, you get an immediate download for one of the albums and you’ll be asked if you’d like a code sending for the other album. I’m just wired that way.

Hopefully shipping by April 9th.


Jake Blanchard – Bryophytes

A shimmering fog of globally infused psychedelia, a demented whirl in the fog of all oceans, this album is just exploded with strange color, just like tape art (also by Jake)


Shiroishi & Meek – Throw Away Your Books, Rally In The Streets

As the title suggest, an incendiary collaboration between NZ electronic innovator Noel Meek and fire-spitting American sax player Patrick Shiroishi. Like Cluster backing Evan Parker on the call to social justice. Righteous sonic fire like you never heard before.