Popol Vuh – Kailash



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5 Responses to Popol Vuh – Kailash

  1. Alan Freeman says:

    Big problem with Kailash is that it’s largely not Popol Vuh. Okay, disc one is all Florian Fricke piano works, so related to Popol Vuh as it was his project. The Kailash film only features two pieces of Popol Vuh, the opening and closing credit pieces. The rest of the score is culled from releases by other artists on the Celestial Harmonies roster. John Mark, Deuter, Wolff & Hennings, and especially Brian Keane / Omar Faruk Tekbilek “Süleyman The Magnificent” extracts (although they seem to be different recordings). I think that the marketing of this release as Popol Vuh is a huge travesty – yet, apart from me, no one else seems to be bothered.

    • Ned says:

      Thanks, Alan, I had no idea about any of that. It’s certainly an eye-opener. Had I written this as simple text I would have updated the review but that’s not really an option. Even given this new information, I am still glad this exists and that I own it.

      • Alan Freeman says:

        Back in the 1990s, when Spalax issued the Kailash VHS as a Popol Vuh release, they quickly withdrew it when it came to light that most of the music wasn’t Popol Vuh. They were going to re-do the cover with corrected information but never did. Seems to be typical of the Soul Jazz label though, as they don’t seem to research anything before they release it.

  2. dolf mulder says:

    Hello Alan, can you mention a source for what you are claiming here?

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